Tuesday, November 4, 2008

There are days...

That I am inexorably drawn to chocolate!  And I cannot deny it's seductive call...
And because it's dark, I feel justified.  It's practically a health food!

What's your vice?


Cher said...

MAN! Chocolate is mine too!! I would ALSO have to say diet coke, carmel macchiatos....and MAC make up!! I think I need to visit MAC..and have a macchiato now! Maybe in the near future we can go togetha:):) I'll show you the ways....:)

Wendy Anderson said...

Oh man I agree with you and Cheryl chocolate caramel macciato mocha soft serve ice cream I have a major sweet tooth and way to many vices!

Kateka said...

Holy cow. I love chocolate. I have run into people who are like, "I could go my entire life without chocolate, but Mt Dew on the other hand I would DIE without". I am one who could never have a drop of sode ever again, but without chocolate life would be lifeless. It seems like people are one or the other.