Thursday, June 4, 2009

Starting to feel old...

Why, you ask?  Well, it's not because I had a birthday yesterday, even though I did, and it was fabulous!  Lots of birthday wishes (thank you guys!), and I got spoiled rotten by Jeff (no surprise there!).  Or maybe I'm feeling my age because my knees were achy this morning on my run (nothing ibuprofen won't fix:)  BUT, most likely, it's because my little brother graduated highschool today!  With an Associates degree!  I think that rocks!!  And I'm pretty dang proud of him!  


Jen said...

Wow, hotness must just be everywere in your family!!!! Way to go your brother. Hey, and just remember that you will never be as old as me :)

Rick and Rachael Underwood said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL! I'm glad you got spoiled you way deserve it!

Chelsea said...

This has nothing to do with your post (but Im glad you had a happy birthday) but your hair is SO cute! I love it.
What a babe.

Kateka said...

Love your hair, so cute.

Amber said...

So I have to agree with the past few posts. STINKING CUTE HAIR!!! Love it.